• CyberFox


      Equipment type: LaserSHturm (outdoor)
      Address: 65 Moskovskiy ave., St. Petersburg - RUSSIA
      Phone: +7 (812/921) 906-81-78, +7 (921) 637-00-21
      Opening hours: MO - SU
      Number of vests (phasors): 20
      Web address: http://lasertag78.ru

    • Laser Wars

      Laser Wars

      Equipment type: Head Shot Nov Tag (outdoor)
      Address: St.Petersburg - RUSSIA
      Phone: +7 8 911 031 18 52; +7 8 911 220 58 63
      Opening hours: 24 hours
      Number of vests (phasors): 16
      Web address: http://lasertagvspb.ru

    • Legion


      Equipment type: Action Ukraine Lasertag (outdoor)
      Address: St.Petersburg - RUSSIA
      Phone: +7 962-703-75-82
      Opening hours: non stop (24h)
      Number of vests (phasors): 12
      Web address: http://lasertagspb.ucoz.ru